Vše Interpret Skladba Album
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 1. Charlie Parr  Last Freight Out Of Asheville  Jubilee 
 2. Charlie Parr  Last Freight Out Of Asheville  Jubilee 
 3. Joe & Tom Jackson  Asheville Junction  Backporch 
 4. Joe & Tom Jackson  Asheville Junction  Backporch 
 5. Doug Mayer  Mountain Sports Weekly - Asheville Municipal Golf Course  Asheville Citizen-Times 
 6. The Rogers Sisters  Freight Elevator  Three Fingers  
 7. David Dondero  Freight Train  2009-07-13 - Meadowlark, Denver, CO 
 8. Chet Atkins  Freight Train -  A24 - Guitar Country  
 9. The Rogers Sisters  Freight Elevator  Three Fingers  
 10. The Rogers Sisters  Freight Elevator  Three Fingers  
 11. The Rogers Sisters  Freight Elevator  Three Fingers  
 12. Chet Atkins  Freight Train -  A24 - Guitar Country  
 13. Chris Gill and the Sole Shakers  Freight Train  Live at the Forum 
 14. Chris Gill and the Sole Shakers  Freight Train  Live at the Forum 
 15. Billy Delines  03 Freight Train  2007-02-27 
 16. Benny Carter and His Orchestra  Slow Freight  Benny Carter Juke Box Page 
 17. Drunken Sailors band  Freight train  30-08-06, live  
 18. Marc Gunn  Freight Train  Ichabod's Geography 
 19. Gord Braun  Freight Train   
 20. Gregory Taylor  Mr. P. and the Phantom Freight  What the Thunder Wrote (1988) 
 21. Six Foot Halo  Freight Train  Inside 
 22. Elizabeth Cotten  Freight Train  Songs And Tunes   
 23. The Rogers Sisters  Freight Elevator  Three Fingers  
 24. The Rogers Sisters  Freight Elevator  Three Fingers  
 25. David Bavas and the Down Comforter  Born on a Freight  Songs for a Drifter 
 26. Unknown Woman  Freight Train Blues  The Living and the Dead 
 27. Inner Sanctum  Death Pays the Freight  Inner Sanctum 
 28. Red Foley  Freight Train Boogie  Tennessee Saturday Night: 25 G 
 29. Doc Watson  Freight Train Boogie  Elementary Doc Watson!  
 30. Doc Watson  Freight Train Boogie  Elementary Doc Watson!  
   1 2    »
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